Winston Kong
Partner – Champalimaud Design
“Design is often a marriage of the past and present… from where we originate to what we discover. It’s a relationship between practical functionality and timeless beauty.”
Winston Kong is a partner of Champalimaud Design. Since 1995, he has coordinated a number of iconic interior design projects. Amongst the outstanding works include the revitalization project of Boston’s Charles Street Jail. Winston Kong transforms 19th century architecture into a brand new landmark hotel, The Liberty, which won the prestigious 2008 Gold Key Award ── Best Hotel Design. Winston Kong has demonstrated proficiency in creating one of a kind five-star hotels, his designs including The Berkeley in London and The Waldorf Astoria in New York, both of which are world-class exquisite creations.
“Design is often a marriage of the past and present… from where we originate to what we discover. It’s a relationship between practical functionality and timeless beauty.”
Winston Kong is a partner of Champalimaud Design. Since 1995, he has coordinated a number of iconic interior design projects. Amongst the outstanding works include the revitalization project of Boston’s Charles Street Jail. Winston Kong transforms 19th century architecture into a brand new landmark hotel, The Liberty, which won the prestigious 2008 Gold Key Award ── Best Hotel Design. Winston Kong has demonstrated proficiency in creating one of a kind five-star hotels, his designs including The Berkeley in London and The Waldorf Astoria in New York, both of which are world-class exquisite creations.

The photograph(s) is/are reference photo and do/does not represent the actual provisions or any parts of the Development. Source: Champalimaud Design and its website The Vendor does not warrant to latest version of this information and its accuracy.
The photograph(s) was/were taken at House No.8 of the Development on 20 August 2021 and have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques, and is/are for reference only. The fittings, finishes, appliances, decorations, furniture, lighting and other objects therein may not appear in the actual final as-built houses or their vicinity and are for reference only, and are subject to the provisions of the agreement for sale and purchase and transaction documents. The view and the description shown in the photograph(s) may not applicable to all houses in the Development. The view enjoyed by any house is affected by the orientation, floor level and surrounding buildings. The Vendor reserves the right to make alteration to building plans of the Development. The photograph(s) and all the contents shall not constitute or be construed as any contractual term, offer, undertaking, representation or warranty, whether express or implied, on the part of the Vendor (whether related to the view or not).